Export Control





The 十大彩票网投平台 (USA) will comply with all applicable export controls 由联邦法规规定. 限制外国国民的出口管制 participation in university research within the United States generally do not apply 对…的行为或结果 基础研究.  Such practices, as defined and stipulated, include openly conducted basic and applied research in science and engineering that is not subject to access, dissemination, 或者任何形式的参与限制.  大学出口管制政策 


出口管制法是美国的法律.S. 监管转移或“出口”的联邦法律 被认为对美国具有重要战略意义.S. 为了国家安全, 经济和/或外交政策问题. An export is defined very broadly to include an oral or written disclosure of information, visual 检验,或实际装运到美国境外.S. 技术、软件/代码或设备 to a foreign national or entity.  Transfer of any of the above to foreign nationals or entities within the 美国被定义为一个 deemed export

In general, the export control regulations cover four main types of University activities:

  1. transfers of controlled information, including technical data, to persons and entities 在美国境外;
  2. shipment of controlled physical items, such as scientific equipment, that require export licenses from the United States to a foreign country;
  3. verbal, written, electronic, or visual disclosures of controlled scientific and technical information related to export controlled items to foreign nationals (“deemed exports”), even when it occurs within the United States; and
  4.  travel to certain sanctioned or embargoed countries for purposes of teaching or performing research. 

Non-compliance with export controls can result in severe monetary and criminal penalties against both an individual as well as the university, and can result in the loss of research contracts, governmental funding, and the ability to export items. For additional information regarding penalties see the following: Export Controls and Universities case studies [COGR Export Controls and Universities with case studies.pdf], and Reece 出口管制案[罗斯.pdf]

Since the 1940s, export controls set forth in federal regulations have been administered by three main federal agencies (see below) to impose access, dissemination, and participation restrictions on the transfer (export) and retransfer (re-export) of controlled  information,  software, technology, and  export and re-export of tangible items.  Such efforts are made to prevent terrorism, curtail export of technologies that assist the military potential of adversaries, comply with trade agreements, and prevent development of 核武器、化学武器和生物武器.



出口管理条例 (EAR). 本规定由国务院实施 工业和安全局 (BIS)在商务部内.  出口管制条例规管下列物品的出口 dual-use goods and services (goods and services having both military and civilian uses) that 在 商业管制清单 (CCL). These are items that are not inherently military in nature; they are primarily commercial 具有潜在军事用途的物品. 商务部必须发布一份 export license, or provide an exception to or exclusion from license requirements before any >controlled item, software, or information on the CCL may be exported or re-exported. 

《十大彩票平台官网》 (ITAR). 这些规定由国务院执行 国防贸易管制局 (DDTC). These regulations apply to articles, services, and related technical data that are inherently military in nature, as determined by the State Department.  The 管制物品,包括国防用品, defense services, 并将相关技术资料列在 U.S. Munitions List (USML). Some articles and technologies that are not readily identifiable as inherently military in nature—for example, research satellites or small, research submersibles—are also 包含在USML中. If the item in question is on the US Munitions List (USML), the US State Department must issue or provide for an exception to or exclusion from 许可要求. 

财政部外国资产控制办公室 (OFAC). This government agency implements  economic and trade sanctions and, based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals, targets foreign countries, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, and those engaged in activities related to the 大规模杀伤性武器的扩散.  大学通常会遇到 issues arising under the OFAC regulations when researchers engage in collaborations with foreign nationals both here and overseas or seek to teach classes or perform 国外研究. 向受制裁国家发送受管制物品或信息 县或个人的定义 外国资产控制办公室 (OFAC)一般禁止以任何形式.