Welcome from the Chair

Image of Kenneth Hunsader欢迎来到经济、金融和房地产学系!

我邀请您浏览我们的网站或到我们的办公室来讨论机会 within our department.  我们的学士课程是为学生准备的 在银行、工业和政府部门从事分析和管理工作. It is an exciting time to major in our department!  Our faculty understand the importance 卓越的课堂,卓越的研究,以及专业的好处 guidance and connections.

我们的专业有三个方向:经济、金融和房地产.      Economics 主要关注个人、公司、政府和国家如何做出选择 稀缺资源的生产、配置和消费.  Finance是经济学的一个专门领域,它包括三个主要领域:财务管理; investments, and financial institutions. Financial management, also known as corporate 财务,处理公司内部的商业决策. Investments focuses on 金融市场行为和证券定价,以及金融机构 与银行和其他专业公司合作,将供应商和 users of funds.  学生可以将他们的注意力集中在这些领域之一 finance electives chosen.  Studying Real Estate 让你接触到广泛的技能,为你获得大量的职业机会做好准备 如经纪、租赁、开发、估价、评估、抵押贷款、 property management, and construction.

不管你选择什么专业,学生社团和 Jaguar Investment Fund (JIF) welcome you.  Our student chapter of the Financial Management Association (FMA)一直获得FMA国际颁发的优秀章节奖.  This 只有不到5%的FMA分会获得了令人垂涎的称号.  Guest 演讲嘉宾,实地考察当地企业,以及在纽约举行的FMA领导人会议 York City or Chicago are highlights of our activities.  In this club you may find 毕业前实习(通过客座演讲),与其他财务部门建立联系 来自全国各地的学生,或者有机会参观纽约证券交易所 or Chicago Board of Trade.  In addition, you may be able to participate in the JIF, 学生管理的投资基金,这是一个独特的机会,为选定的学生 to gain real money management experience.  In this fund, students will serve in a 作为金融分析师的角色,以及其他职位,如经济学家,政治 analyst, accountant, or risk analyst.  In our investments course, students will also 获得彭博终端的认证,这是在华尔街工作的必要条件.  Talk about experiential learning–this is it!

For those students with an interest in economics, The Economics Society of South Alabama student club is for you.  这个俱乐部在秋季和春季定期聚会 guest speakers, discussions, movies, etc.  Real estate concentration students are eligible to participate in Jaguar Realty是全国首家经大学批准的面向房地产专业学生的房地产公司. 通过参与,学生可以满足实习要求,获得奖学金 协助他们支付实习课程的学费,并有独特的机会 作为一名活跃的房地产经纪人与该地区的一些顶级房地产经纪公司合作 公司有望完成交易并赚取佣金. Highly qualified students will also be eligible for nomination to Alpha Sigma Gamma,全球首屈一指的国际房地产荣誉协会.  Finally, all students 是否可以完成阿拉巴马州房地产委员会颁发执照前所需的教育 take the Alabama Real Estate Salesperson License Exam.

虽然我们的许多毕业生在银行找到了专业职位,但财富 管理公司,工业和政府,我们的集中是一个很好的基础 for those who want to pursue graduate schools. Some of our graduates have gone on to Masters of Science in Finance, Ph.D. programs in economics and finance, and to earn a J.D. degree in law school.  These were all at various universities throughout the US.

对于那些不打算学商科专业的学生,我们邀请你考虑一下商科专业 minor in economics, finance or real estate.  Each of these would be an excellent addition 对你在工程、数学、政治学或任何其他专业的学习.  You 仍然可以参加俱乐部,并有机会成为JIF的成员 the proper prerequisites.

让我们来讨论一下为什么经济、金融或房地产行业的集中度是合适的 you!  
Best wishes,

Kenneth Hunsader, Ph.D.
Chair,  Professor,  Economics,  Finance & Real Estate. Interim Chair of Accounting