

美国财政援助验证门户: Frequently Asked Questions

美国财政援助验证门户网站 是否有安全的验证文件上传平台. 验证 documents submitted via 电子邮件 are no longer accepted. 

您将使用您的JagNet凭证登录到 验证门户.
▼   I keep getting an error message that my information doesn't match in the system. 什么 我该怎么办??

验证门户 requires 4 key identifiers to be entered exactly as they are listed 你的FAFSA 当您创建帐户时:

1. 第一个名字

2. 姓

3. 出生日期

4. 社会安全号码


你 不能 login to the Portal if any of your 4 key identifiers do not match what you listed 你的FAFSA. If you believe you entered incorrect information for the identifiers 请出示FAFSA 电子邮件 我们的办公室寻求帮助. 


Approximately 30% of all FAFSAs received by USA each year are selected by the Department 教育的审查过程称为验证.

When a FAFSA is submitted, the Department of Education performs database matches by comparing application data with the Social Security Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Selective Service System, National Student Loan Data System, 和其他人. Depending on the outcome of these database matches, a student may be required to submit additional documentation to USA for a process called verification. 验证 is a review process which requires documentation of select data elements of a student's FAFSA. In this review, the financial aid staff compares the FAFSA with information 提供所需的验证文件.

If a student's FAFSA is selected for verification, they will be notified through their JagMail电子邮件帐户.

的 财政援助办公室 will make corrections to the FAFSA, if necessary, as a 验证结果. 学生 will be notified by the Department of Education and/or our office either with a corrected FAFSA or a revised aid offer notification. 一个FAFSA 这是正确完成的,不需要修改.

Failure to have a complete financial aid file at least 60 days prior to the beginning 每个学期可能延迟或阻止收到援助. 如果是这样的话,学生们会的 be responsible for payment of any charges on their student account or their schedule 可能会取消.

Referrals will be made to the Office of Inspector General should there be allegations of fraud or other criminal misconduct in connection with an applicant’s application 申请经济援助.



▼   I do not live with my parents, they do not claim me on their tax returns, and they 不给我任何经济支持吗. 我还需要包括他们的信息吗 我的FAFSA?
If you 不能 answer YES to any question in the "Step Three" section of the FAFSA, 你必须包括父母的信息. 在这些情况下需要家长信息 because the federal 政府ernment has decided paying for the cost of education is the responsibility of the student and the student's parents until the student can answer 回答“第三步”中任何一个问题是“是”.
我已经交了FAFSA,但是现在我结婚了. 我现在可以算是独立了吗?
你r marital status 申请经济援助 purposes is determined on the day you completed 你FAFSA. Any parent information included 你的FAFSA will be taken into account 那一年.
我的继父母不愿意养我. 我是否必须将他/她的入息列于 父部分?
Yes, if your supporting parent is remarried, you must include his/her spouse's information 在FAFSA上.
▼   I live with my grandparents/other relatives/guardians who support me. 我应该报告吗? 他们的收入,而不是我父母的收入?

No, you must list your parents' information under 父部分. 如果有特殊情况 exist, please check with the 财政援助办公室 before submitting 你FAFSA.


学校要一份我的税务记录副本. 我如何获得副本?
你可以在www上获得你的税务记录副本.国税局.政府. 从那个网站,在 Tools section of the homepage click 'Get Transcript of your Tax Records'. 接下来,选择 'Get Transcript Online' or 'Get Transcript by Mail' and follow the instructions through 这个过程. If you select 'Get Transcript Online' you can print a copy of your tax 立即记录. 如果你选择“邮寄成绩单”,你应该会收到 您的要求在5-10天内.
▼   的 school is asking for verification of my Selective Service System registration. 我什么都没有. 我该怎么办??
你必须通过www与兵役系统联系.瑞士.查询电话:(847)688-6888 你的登记. If it is determined you haven't yet registered and you are between 18岁和25岁,你必须这样做. 如果你没有注册,你就完了 26 years of age, you need to request a status letter from the Selective Service System 并提供一份复印件给财政援助办公室.
▼   的 school is asking for verification of my Selective Service System registration 我是女性. 我该怎么办??
你 can provide a signed statement to the 财政援助办公室 indicating that you are female and not required to register with the Selective Service System. Be sure to include your full name, Jag Number and Social Security number on the statement.


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