Dean's Predoctoral 研究员hip Award 程序


The 十大彩票网投平台 Frederick P. 惠登医学院获奖 to three one-year fellowships to eligible students in the Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) 研究生项目.  Awards include the student’s stipend, individual health insurance, and $5,000 to cover travel and expenses for awardees to present their work at a national or international conference, or to attend an extramural course/workshop.


雷切尔说 导师:Rob Barrington,博士.D. |微生物学 & 免疫学

阿曼达·塔基 导师:Jon Audia, Ph ..D. |微生物学 & 免疫学

爱德华·菲德勒 导师:Wito Richter, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

雷切尔说 导师:Rob Barrington,博士.D. |微生物学 & 免疫学

Reece史蒂文斯 导师:李志英,M.D., Ph.D. |生理学 & 细胞生物学

珍妮凿 导师:Natalie Bauer, Ph ..D. |药理学

莉娜:十大彩票网投平台萨拉赫 导师:Wito Richter, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

珍妮凿 导师:Natalie Bauer, Ph ..D. |药理学

Yelitza罗德里格斯 导师:Steve Lim, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

阿比盖尔博伊德 导师:Wito Richter, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

Kierra哈迪 导师:Jon Audia, Ph ..D. |微生物学 & 免疫学

格里芬莱特 导师:Natalie Gassmann博士.D. |生理学 & 细胞生物学

Cinta Paptke 导师:Rich Honkanen, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

莉娜:十大彩票网投平台萨利赫 导师:Wito Richter, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

阿比盖尔博伊德 导师:Wito Richter, Ph ..D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学

梅瑞迪斯Gwin 导师:Troy Stevens, Ph ..D. 和罗恩·巴尔森博士.D. |生理学 & 细胞生物学 和生物化学 & 分子生物学

Barnita Haldar 导师:Donna Cioffi博士.D. |生物化学 & 分子生物学





Eligibility is limited to students in good academic standing who have completed the BMS研究生课程核心课程. Current awardees may apply for a second year 的资金. It is expected that the most competitive applicants will be those in mid-training rather than being close to completion of their graduate studies.




• A completed intramural Transmittal Form signed by the applicant, the sponsor and 相关主席


• Sponsor’s Biosketch and proposed Training Plan and (if more than one sponsor, include 各生物速写)

• If applying for a second year 的资金, a Progress Report addressing how the work plan and outcomes were met and including list of publications (1 page limit)

• Applicant’s research plan, to contain:
A. 具体目标1
B. 背景与意义,1/2
C. 策略,3
D. One-year work plan and timeline for completion of doctoral training, 1/2
E. 引用的参考文献,没有页数限制


All application materials must be submitted as one collated PDF file via the University InfoReady review portal by 5 PM on March 15th.


Review is based on assessment of application materials, with each element weighted 同样.


Awardees must fulfill the following requirements:

•Participate in the COM grant writing course (IDL 641) during the award period (with the exception of those that have taken this course previously).

• Present work at a national or international conference, or attend a training/skills workshop or course during the award period

• Submit an individual extramural fellowship application (e.g., NIH F31, AHA博士预科 fellowship, other) within 4 semesters of award start date - a draft of the extramural fellowship application must be submitted for pre-review to the Associate Dean for 研究 one month before the application deadline (feedback will be provided with the goal of improving the likelihood for success)

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